Monday, August 15, 2011

Need help getting over cheating ex, i still want her?

I am very sorry this has happened to you, I am a girl and I just wish other girls knew what they were doing to their friends. I mean seriously that is not a right thing to do (on her part). I think you probably should call her and talk to to her, just tell her if you guys can hangout for a day and then tell her what she wants. If she says she wants to stay with her boyfriend that she's with then say alright that's ok, but don't come crying to me or try to get back with me, because you have to be the bigger one and I know it's hard, but that's what she deserves; if she wants to be with him. If she says she wants to be friends with you, tell her it will be hard to be friends because of her boyfriend, since he doesn't even let her text you. But I know you really want to be in her life, but if she is doing this with other guys, and tells you about them, then you don't deserve that. You deserve better, and trust me you will find the right girl. You seem like a good guy, so don't worry about it, and just let the right girl come to you. Good Luck and if you feel like she doesn't deserve you then just move on :)

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