Sunday, August 14, 2011

Professor Phil Jones exonerated - how will deniers spin this?

Global warming is a political tool that is used to raise taxes, we all know it, if the real risk was caused by the activity of man the use of large engined gas guzzling cars would no longer be allowed to be used, unnecessary travel by plane would also be restricted, there is no argument that what we produce does increase global warming slightly but if you are wealthy it is fine for you to pollute, when did you ever see a politician travel around in a Ford Fiesta, or a pop star, film star, business Mogul and Royalty, travel around in anything other than a limousine, no, neither have I, have you noticed that Prince Andrew still uses a helicopter to travel to see a game of golf, Simon Cowell still uses a private plane and they use four separate limo`s to travel around in the X Factor even though they are going to the same place, If you are not wealthy then it seems to be a crime to have a car that has an engine larger than 1500 cc but if you are rich then anything that you want is fine as long as you can afford it regardless of whether you are damaging the planet or not, as usual, one rule for the rich and a different one for the poor, the claim of global warming being caused by man and not a natural event would be more convincing if they were all prepared to do their bit, remember though, our planet has been through the warming and cooling periods many times long before man was even there to cause it.

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