Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do you think many peoples opinions about TEENAGE PREGNANCY is based of what they see on T.V.?

well my opinion of teenage moms comes from what i saw in high school. girls from the ages of 14 through 17 having with a bunch of different guys and getting pregnant and either having the child and neglecting them because they want to live their lives or using abortion as an option. however with that said that's my opinion on the teenage moms that I know personally. not ALL teenage moms are bad moms. i know quite a few mothers that got pregnant when they were in their teens and they are some of the best moms i know. i think that people group other people in one category although they don't know each individual person. just like people are racist. not all black people, or muslim people or who ever is bad. not all teen moms are bad. some have their head on straight... like you. and the ones who are responsible (like you) should be commended however there is just that stigma that is attached to teen parenting that it's just not that easy for people to get older. im sorry that people may say mean things or treat you differently or badly because you're a teen mom but for myself personally i say way to go. you seem very Intelligent and seem to have your head on straight. i think you'll make a great mom.

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