Thursday, August 18, 2011

Grandmother hasn't bought anything for only granddaughter..?

Good grief, its her money not yours. Maybe gift buying is not her thing, maybe she thinks its your responsibility to buy things for your child. Heck maybe she has less money then you think. At 6 weeks old she may feel she will wait until she is older before buying her things. Perhaps when she is old enough to understand and have fun with what she gives her

Stomach pain at 30 weeks?

I have noticed that I have pains on my stomach and it hurts when the baby is sideways.. It seems like she's popping out of my sides of my stomach and it's really painfull.. I cannoth sleep on my left or right side because my stomach gets really sore.. Is that normal? Or should I go to the ER... Or should I wait till Friday when I have my ultrasound appt...

High fiber Foods That Aren't Totally Disgusting?

I am 7 1/2 weeks pregnant and my doctor wants me to start eating more fiber. She gave some suggestions raisin bran; total; bran muffins. I can't stand the idea of having to eat that. can someone please give me some yummy high fiber snack ideas?

How do i sharpen my meth needles?

bricks are much too coarse of a material to put a fine point on the needle of a syringe. I used to use my fingernails. You squeeze the tip of the needle with light-moderate pressure between the nail of your index finger and the skin fingertip of your middle finger and then pull the needle down sliding it through the point where they come together. After you use a needle the very fine tip gets bent or curled. I say a magnified picture of a syringe used 5 times at the needle exchange which is a place where you take your old needles and they give you new ones, and the tip was curled backwards about 150 degrees. When you pull it back through your fingernail and tip like I described, it straightens the tip and makes it alot sharper or at least alot more capable of the skin and vein much easier. Don't use those fu.@ked up bent and dull needles if you can avoid it, they can really do damage to your veins. See if there is a local needle exchange in your area.

What do you think of gwen stefani's abs?

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Does anyone know how to do this triangle proof?

Consider triangles BAD and CAD. AD is common. BD = CD and included angles is ADB = ADC = 90 degree. So triangles are congruent by SAS postulate hence AB = AC. So triangle ABC is isosceles.

Why do so many Americans allow blatant media bias to continue?

What happened to the mainstream media in this Country,the media that i remember my grand parents watching every night before they went to bed?The media that would give them the whole story,good or bad with no agendas.How can anyone make an informed decision today if the information they receive is deceptive and tilted to favor the views of the outlet?The answer is that they can`t,so they will just follow a path someone else has chosen for them.Americans should demand truth and integrity in any news report and be allowed to make up their on minds.If you want real change,start with the media,demand fairness and truthfulness in their coverage of the news or you will stop watching their broadcast and buying their papers.Ratings and sales they do understand.They also understand that truth is power,and that weakness is easier to steer.We can make this Country stronger and better for everyone,but only if we are not mislead and we know what we are up against.When some of our news anchors are referred to as "rodents" we have a real problem.Sadly my question is,do most Americans even care?Do you?

How do I ask her out?

go out with some friends and invite her and then there say why dont we do this again with just the two of us

Forgot movie title, please help?

It's some movie where theres these people in a like abandoned factory or something. There are lke these teenager type kids and most of them die like one died from like a bag over her head and one gets like stabbed by some other freaky *** dude in the factory. I can't remember the name. Theres like a place in the factory where theres like thi guy sitting in a chair with all these tubes attached to him in like this gl box. All the kids walk in it, I think he kills one of them. i'm not sure i just NEED to remember the name.

How is my team and who should i trade. BEST ANSWER 10 POINTS!!!!!!!?

Good team. Trade either ortiz or rolen when longoria comes back with one of your starters and/or hanrahan for another reliable closer

Anyone out there take synthroid?

I had radioactive iodine done to kill my throid gland and now I am underactive and just began taking synthroid. I'm tired and feel run down all the time. How long does it take for the synthroid to kick in and I feel human again.

Life existence outside of our solar system?

I was doing some online research about Gliese 581 and I came across this website that said they had found existing life forms on that planet. Its only on one website, and all the others say its impossible for our scientists to send probes to that planet to even collect such data. They life form i read about is called Lacerta Orcus. Is it even true?

Radioactive particles in air?

what happens if there are radioactive particles in the atomsphere ...and it rains does that mean our rain will be harmful than...question my 9 year old son asked me ...?

How should Theists interpret the Abraham and Isaac biblical story? (Reference to divine command theory)?

The significance is that he was willing to sacrifice what was dearest to him in this world, which happened to be his son.

Why was Jack drinking Coors in the movie Milk?

Harvey had previously joined forces with the Coors boycott. I was surprised his lover was then shown drinking a Coors. Any idea why?

Where can Romanians and Bulgarians work without permit from 01-01-2007?

Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU today. However, many previously welcoming countries (UK, Ireland) have closed their labor markets to their citizens. On the other hand, Czech Republic allows them in. Where else can these nationals work without permit?

HELP! The 30th is my and my boyfriends one year! What should i get him to remember our first year?

think of all yr times together.........k think of something that stuck to u or you really remember. Get where im going..........get him something that will remind him of a great time he had with you.........

What's up with McCain's flip flops?

First, he votes for the war in Iraq, like Hillary did. Then, unlike Hillary, when he starts campaigning, he says he doesn't have a problem with us staying in Iraq for another hundred years. Now, he is going around saying "I hate war". Then there was water-boarding. Was he ever waterboarded as a POW in Vietnam? Because the last time the issue was brought up for a vote in the Senate, he voted in favor of it? But, wait a minute...before that he was against it! Has this guy suffered some irremediable traumatic brain damage in his years of captivity in Vietnam? Is that why he can't seem to make up his mind from one minute to the next?

If I'm having mid-cycle bleeding, can I still get pregnant?

I've been having mid-cycle bleeding - not just a day of spotting which I read is ovulation spotting, but 3 days of pink to red spotting. I've heard this is normal, but can I still get pregnant? We are TTC and I had the spotting last month and got BFN - we've been BD more this month, so is it possible even with the spotting?

Where can i learn mechanical cad in chennai?

You can learn at BIM Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd. at Nungambakkam High road and Kodambakkam high road junction opposite to Parsn Complex..

Whats harold campings excuse this time?

Well he said at 6pm in every timezones, the rapture will come on may 21st. Ummm well in Kirimati and Chatham Islands, its been past 6pm may 1st for an hour and nothing happened. So... whats his excuse

I have a home business- need tax advise what do i do???

You could write off a portion of your home for business, but this is the #1 red flag for an IRS audit for self employed people, so be sure that EVERYTHING you are deducting for this purpose has proof and receipts to justify this deduction. The room has to be used SOLELY for your business. I'm not an expert but we ran a contracting business through our home for over 10 years. We never used the home deduction just because it creates a nightmare when you sell your house (tax recapture and all that junk) that we didn't want to deal with & we had enough other expenses that we didn't need the hle of that one. Of course, since you rent, it's different. I'm not sure if this is legal (CHECK W/THE IRS FIRST) but you might be able to write out a separate check for that portion of your home (convert your square footage into a percentage) and use that as a rent expense for your business instead? Again - doublecheck. Basically, if all your payments are coming in as cash, and no one is claiming you as a deduction (sending you a 1099 form at the end of the year) then you really don't have to report it as income (((dodging eggs from IRS))). If your income & expenses don't justify all the headache of filing a schedule C, you may want to reconsider legitimizing it unless you plan to expand into a store front or purchase a major amount of equipment. You could show a loss this way and reduce the amount of tax you would normally pay between this income and your husband's income, but that can only be done a couple of times before flagging an audit. Not sure what state you're in, but in CA in order to sell products you have to collect sales tax and report to the state every quarter - it's a major pain!

The difference between beaver, coyote & rabbit fur?

Looking for a trooper-style winter hat, so since this fur is gonna be right up on my cheeks I need to know which type of fur is warmer, softer, coarser, etc. Not to mention there's a huge price difference between anything made with these furs!

Is erectile dysfunction caused by antihistamines (nytol/ diphenhydramine/benadryl) reversible.?

I've been taking nytol (diphenhydramine) on average for two nights a week for several years and my s are getting a bit unreliable and weaker. I am a poor sleeper but generally healthy (apart from being 2 stone overweight). I am a bit of a worrier as well. I have read that antihistamine use weakens s which is acceptable to me in the short term, but I am concerned as to whether this effect is reversible or not and that I may be damaging myself. Many thanks in anticipation of your responses.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Can i run crysis with an Alienware m15x with these specs?

No because since your running vista you need a minimum of 1.5 GB of RAM. If I were you I'd stick in 3GB if its not the 64 bit version of Vista and 4GB if it is the 64 bit version of Vista.

What do you think of this idea for a novel?

Well, I like the concept of a character going on the "path to recovery". Such stories are always interesting because you get to see a major psychological evolution in your MC. I thought it might be a little over the top? It might overweight the reader, and you'd be narrowing down the public to which this book would apply to by a lot. I'd read it though, and in the end it's not about what the world thinks, it's about what you think, and how you feel about writing your story. Good luck :)

I resigned from my job before I was fired because of false allegations can they give me a bad reference?

Technically, no. What they *can* do is either refuse to give a reference at all, or not answer some of the reference questions.

I want a uncommon synonym for the word killer ( as in a person who kills someone )?

in, butcher, cut-throat, executioner, exterminator, gunman/woman, gunperson, hit person, hit-man/woman, hunter, slayer, soldier , slaughterer

Will ScotchGard work on suede and leather shoes?

Not a good plan. You're much better off buying a protector specifically intended for those materials. It's likely to damage the suede and it simply won't be as effective on leather as a good-quality leather protector. You can purchase protective sprays for both suede and leather at nearly any shoe store and many drug stores/big box stores.

Which celebrity of the OPPOSITE do you admire and what is your sign?

ANGELINA JOLIE!!!!!!! obviously she's beautiful and talented as well..she's unique and different ....her and brad do there own thing..that's something to admire, and she also believes in helping out the needy, she adopted zarhara,pax,and maddox....she's a gemini and so am i ,which explains why i admire her so much *_^

Non Religious Students at Boston College?

I had the exact same same concern about Holy Cross where I go now. Holy Cross is run by the Jesuits which also run Georgetown and BC. The Jesuits are a very liberal order and encourage people of all faiths to attend their schools and are very open to exploring truth and are accepting of all faiths or none at all. You will not feel uncomfortable at a Jesuit college if you are non-religious or non-Catholic.

HMMMM....boyfriend or cat?


Has American propaganda been successful?

The Media Propaganda Machine can honestly claim that they have been hugely successful in brainwashing Americans into voting for their candidate and then covertly directing Americans in what to tell their "representatives" to do so solve all those non existent hyped up issues that hardly exist. In the process, build a huge despotic tyranny of elites who are actually the ones running the Media.

What is adversary system of justice in easy to understand terms?? I don't understand this definition..?

adversary system of justice: A judicial system in which the power of the state is balanced by the defendant’s constitutional rights and by the presumption that a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Are Dell Laptops really that bad?

As good as any other. Most problems arise due to user inability. Keep in mind, all you will upgrade are the hard drive or the memory which is typical. Never had a problem with them myself.

Do you think emotions and intellect contribute to success in sports, or are physical attributes and skills all

In some sports, you need to remain cool and outsmart your opponent. Emotions and intellect are required along with physical attributes to win.

Am I the only person who only listens to clical music and metal?

no, your not alone, although I do listen to my fair share of rip, hip-hop, techno, etc, I primarily listen to rock and metal. Its soo much better at evoking emotion, which is what music is all about when you think about it

Ultimate Teen Playlist?

If you're going to Tennessee, you should load it up with country...REAL country, that is. You know, artists like Alan Jackson, George Strait, Jerry Reed, Brad Paisley, Ashton Shepherd, Gretchen Wilson, Jamey Johnson and Merle Haggard.

Creationism vs. evolution?

I have to write a persuasive speech about how schools teach about evolution but they cant teach about creationism because they aren't allowed to talk about religion. I personally think its dumb. Any ideas as to how i could start my speech or anything? PLEASE HELP! =) thanks.

Religious Syncretism?

What is believed about religious syncretism, such as the alignment of Vodoo and Santeria with Catholicism? Is it that this was done to aid new practicioners to better understand these African based religions, to better cover up their practice within open society? Serious answers please.

Who wrote this sonnet to chess?

Kind of short to be a sonnet, unless you are holding out on us. Let's call it a stanza. Tell us where you found it and we will be far more likely to be able to help you.

Does anyone else blame the press.?

No England manager over the last 40 years has been allowed to build a team.He has to pick the best 11 footballers[or certainly the ones with the biggest reputations] and hope it works.If he drops one of these star players and the team loses he gets hammerd by the press,just read todays press"Beckham on the bench""he should have played",these are the same papers who where crying out for Becks to be dropped after the world cup.A few weeks ago Robinson was the worst keeper in the world,yet in todays papers he should have played.Lets get a manager who is allowed to build a TEAM,someone like Sir Alf who dropped jimmy Greaves,or Bennitez who had the to take of Gerrard in the mersyside derby,get the press behind him and give the manager a chance,we dont need to win every game,just the ones that matter.

Alton towers?

It probably won't be too busy but lots there will still be ques for the bigger rides so your best bet is to plan what times to go to those as the ques often peak in the morning but die down around lunchtime - ask the ride operators - they'll be able to tell you better.

What should my three year old be learning now?

He knows his colors, his shapes, he can count to twenty in english and 10 in spanish, he knows the alphabet, his whole name, and he is now in underwear progressing very well with potty training. What more can I do lol? Or should I just keep reinforcing what he already knows daily? Just curious and would like some opinions thanx!!

If someone from the US visited Australia and spoke with a Texan accent, would they be made fun of?

Honestly, yes. Not a lot of us here like Southern drawls. I do, but I know a lot of others don't. You wouldn't get made fun of by everyone, but there are a few people (specifically teenage males) who are less than excited to hear an accent like that.

Was Jimmy Carter Just another crazy Socialist?

If he was, then why did he remove the wage and price controls instituted by President Nixon and continued by President Ford? Would that Make President's Nixon and Ford Marxists?

Want to sell a movie length animation that me and my animation team are making?

I would advize for you to get a hold of someone big. It may be a long and hard process but in the end it will be awarding. Try to show it to some people, maybe one of them will lead you in the right direction.

How many Liberals on Y! agree with the self-proclaimed Marxist, Socialist Hugo Chavez?

Chavez is a despot that exploits the poor for personal gain so much that he might as well be a capitalist.

What is the legal history of Proposition 8?

God bless the people who voted for Proposition 8. I didn't think California had that much decency left.

What does it feel like to be cheated on?

Especially when you're married. How does it feel? Did you feel like killing your spouse and whoever cheated with him/her? or what what did you do to deal with betrayal?

Physics Projectile releted question! Help Please!!!?

At what angle a projectile shold be thrown so that is covers horizontal distance equal to double of its height?? Please explain the complete procedure. Thanks in advance

What is your superbowl pick?

i think the steelers are going to win, and my number one reason is there run defense, i dont think starks is going to be able to run on the steelers defense. without starks being able to run the ball its gonna make arron rodgers job alot harder. i think the steelers win in a low scoring close game 10-3.

The CW network?

Ok the CW network that shows WWE smackdown, i just got cable and i had satellite before. what channel is the CW network on cable?

Do you think the Rocket should have least give Tmac a try?

The reason they dont want to, is because they have good chemistry without him, and are scared he'll mess up the chemistry. The Rockets are over achieving, and they dont want, T-Mac coming in and ball stopping, messing everything up. They'd rather buy his contract out, if they cant trade him, than to play him.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm not ist in the slightest, but I keep reading women say how they are the ones who are generous and?

caring. I see its men who are generous and the women who are selfish and self centered. If a man isn't working and a woman he is with is working hard and the man is spending her money everybody calls the man a s bag and fells sorry for the woman. If a man is working and the woman is living off him and spending his money no body says anything about it. I know plenty of men like this that take care of women, but all the women I know the second a man is spending the money that they go out and make they get rid of that man. So how is it that women support their claim that they are the that does all the sacrificing

Farting incident with a guy?

Now this is actually serious, not for a laugh. I've started going out with this guy I like. Yesturday, we were walking home together. It went quiet for a while, and then suddenly he lets out this big fart. He said 'sorry about that'. But then I said 'don't worry I'll top that next time after a burrito with side beans', obviously I was joking. But he looked away and didn't say nothing. When we got to my place he smiles and says goodbye. Is he creeped out by what I said? Will he leave me? Thanks.


I think gas shouold be rationed, at least until we can find ways to run stuff off of other power sources, it's not going to last forever.

What gift should i ask him to buy n ***?

ma frnd's fiance is in US n he will b returning to India in d dec month. He asked her what kinda gift she wants frm there, neither me nor ma frnd dnt hav an idea to tell him. so hlp us.... (she doesnt want perfumes, make up kits, ipods n cameras)

Treating a cold with chest congestion and asthma?

since you have asthma and you are coughing to the point that you are producing mucus, than i think that it is time to visit your doctor. you might have a chest infection, which can be worse for someone who has asthma.

What will you do or who will you hire? On this specific situation?

I would give it to Rob... if he's intelligent he'll be able to do the job n susan could easily get a job elsewhere with her credentials

Is the nazi sign a hatred of the black race,because last time I checed it was just for the jews?

the nazi symbol isnt really a hate race symbol,its just something hitler used because he copied of the empirol army.and why do blacks get offended by it,bec its not a hate symbol agaisnt them,just the jews

Zac Efron or Justin Bieber or Robert Pattison or Taylor Lautner or Spouse Twins?

lol...they all suck...i'd rather kill me, they are just conceited...especially beiber ugh

How do I remove mildew/mold from vinyl air mattress?

I bought a small "aero bed" for my 3yo to sleep on when we go away.. it has worked wonderfully up until a month or so ago when, upon pulling it out of it's bag, I noticed that there were NUMEROUS large spots of mold/mildew (moisture must have entered the bag somehow and started this growth). Now, the mildew/mold is on the "soft" side of it and not the "rubber" side so I know I need to be careful about what I use, and don't think I can just use bleach, etc. bec. of this. Any advice for how to remove this?

Do you think the industrial revolution was a good thing?

Yes because it provided people with lots of jobs and helped technology advance much further. Without the industrial revolution many machines for hospitals wouldn't be developed, endangering lives. Also our gadgets such as ipods, mobiles etc wouldn't exist if the industrial revolution hadn't started because they're manafactured in factories.

Do Roxy hoodies tend to run small? ?

My daughter's jacket got stolen and she needs a new one. She is a little large in the waist and would like a "skater's jacket" like roxy, DC, volcom, and so you have any ideas? and do roxy jackets run small? i found extra large jackets on the internet but i'm not sure if it will fit her. Please HelP!

My girlfriend afraid to have an , what should I do?

My girlfriend and I have been going out for 9 and half months, and I would never have guessed she was a virgin. She is such a beautiful girl on the inside and out, I mean she's gorgeous!!!!! And can have any guy she wants. She is 24 years old and wants to have ; but every time we get close to having she freaks out! The last time I went down on her for the first time everything was going fine then her legs began to tremble; until she was on the brink of an , and sobbing, no, over, and over again. I immediately stopped and held her in my arms (like always when she about to have an !) I held her in my arms while she cried, and told her everything’s going to be okay. I've tried several times to get her to have an , but nothing works. She’s too afraid! I thought that maybe she was d or something like that but she ured me that’s not the case, and that she’s never had an before, and gets a little frighten when she about to have one. I want her to be ready before we have for the first time but I a man and I need to get laid!!!! Don’t get me wrong I love her very much, and care about how she feels, but how can I help her over come her fear?

Any1 know how to print screen on a hp pavilion laptop. it uses vista by the way? atl+print screen wont work?

If it uses Word, try opening a new blank doent then minimising it, then maximising the doent you want the screen print of, press Screen Print, maximise your blank Word doent then either click on the "paste" icon, or press "Control+v". I know this isn't explained very well, if I can help you out more then feel free to email me. Hope this helps.

Want to end the war on drugs and solve the problem?

We should instead make available in large quantities the purest most potent form of all the substances, these junkies want taking all the profit out of it. we should doent thier behavior when they are high and donate the bodies to schools which will start a new science curriculum devoted to the ravages of illicit drug use . also strictly enforce all laws regarding use DUI etc remove drug use as defense for any crime and shoot any one on sight seen selling or smuggling. drugs.We should not deter rather encourage ravenous consumption, this way we can quickly eliminate the users in this society, "kill the demand " as it were

ARE ALL free lotto on web ILLEGAL?

are all free lotto online illegal? got an email that i won and they even attached a copy of the cheque that i won..this is their address FREE LOTTO P O BOX 4562 NEW YORK , NY 10163..

How much is 1 lego mini figure?

ok o i a in walmart and i saw some lego mini figs and i scanned them but it was broken so i looked online an and the whole series was 3.00 so i bet theminifigs sepratly are cheap. can u tell me?

NFL Draft,Tebow to the Vikings?

Not going to happen. It's gonna be a CB in the first round. He'll be off the board by their pick in the 2nd round. Plus, Tebow will not be a QB at the next level. He will have to convert to FB or TE. Barring some kind of enormous change to his fundamentals, he will not be a QB. I would look for the Vikings to go after Skelton or LeFevour in round 3 or 4.

Should Kyle Shanahan be the Head Coach of the Washington Redskins in 2012?

I am also a HUGE Redskins fan and I would be all for it. I think Mike has lost his touch and the way he handles things is just horrible, with the way he handled the Mcnabb situation he has made it to where if we trade him we will get little to nothing for him. But I think we'll do better than first pick in the draft.

Is the school fair about the way they punish the kids who fight?

My 12 y o. daughter got into a fight with another girl who had been haring her for quite a while. Finally she got tired of it and faught the girl. Well my daughter beat her and then stood up and kicked her.As the other girl lay on the ground another girl came and kicked also since she was also tired of the girls crap. Since they both got in trouble for kicking her they both went to juvi and they had to strip and where kept for a day and now they are both on probation and have to go to court for ault causing bodily injury cl A. The girl who had been haring them and had also push my daughter and called the house talking mess didn't get into any trouble at all. All 3 girls range from 12-14 in age. Was it fair that they made them strip in Juvi without my permission?

Mysterious "God" Billboards in Las Vegas, NV?

I love those! I'm sure it's a private citizen, and I think it's great that he or she is promoting faith while steering clear of any particular religion. It's a nice balance to the billboards and advertisements with hot, nearly naked women on them (though I love those, too).

Should I see Bruno without my parents permission?

My parents said I can't see it but all my friends are going even even my friends little sister who is 8! I am 12 by the way. I have seen much worse movies. There's nothing in there that I haven't already heard and seen.

A word I can't for the life of me remember...?

Does anyone know a synonym for pionless/ loveless , please? I believe it begins with a, and contains a k... so possibly ak... If I was in a better mood I'd figure it logically, Greek possibilities etc. but I'll take advantage of someone else's vocabulary if I can... thank you.

Hi plz help................want to reduce weight???????

actually m overweight & 19 yrs old &5ft 3" long. i have joined gym to reduce my weight but i am unable to get control on my eating habbits & the day when i decide that i'll not eat bad from today specially that i donot kno what happen & i eat more. its being a month i have joined gym n i have just reduce 1.5 kgs. i dnt kno wht should i do to solve this plz help????????

Where to find copy of Bangkok Post?

I want to read the Bangkok Post and the Bangkok Metro. Where can I see these online? Or where to purchase? I would like to get an idea of what they have to offer.

I have a 2.8ghz Celeron D, will anything go wrong if I upgrade my video card?

i have a amd sempron 2.0 ghz and a ati 1650 pro with no problems so you should me fine. also its not really your processor (as longs as its above 2 ghz, which yours is) its more so your graphics slot so sense you have an agp slot an agp card should work fine but if i were you i would go with somthing bigger like an ati 3850 just make sure your psu can handle it

Monday, August 15, 2011

Physics question: projectile motion?

A bottle has a hole poked in it at a height of 0.35 m. Water is rushing out of the hole at 1.71 m/s. how far from the base of the bottle does the stream of water land?

Why do my friends freak out when i give them wet willies with my sperm (and/or a dirty willy)?

yesterday my friend feaked out and said wer not friends any more JUST BECAUSE I GAVE HIM A DIRTY WILLIE!!! (when you on your finger and stick it in their ear) why wuld he get so mad about that, what did i do wrong? please tell me.

Avatar the last airbender question?

the creator change up the story a little, especially with zuko and katara because its ratings are mostly from little children,

What episode of Bones do Angela and Hodgens almost get married?

Ok i am just guessing but if I remember right it was the last episode of the season in the spring of 2007

Help with a chemical romance song?

A couple years back I saw this video on Vh1 and it was by My Chemical Romance. I don't remember the name of it, but the video was talking about Pearl Harbor I think... I want to know the name of the song... I love MCR and I want this song. Any help is appreciated.. (:

Need help getting over cheating ex, i still want her?

I am very sorry this has happened to you, I am a girl and I just wish other girls knew what they were doing to their friends. I mean seriously that is not a right thing to do (on her part). I think you probably should call her and talk to to her, just tell her if you guys can hangout for a day and then tell her what she wants. If she says she wants to stay with her boyfriend that she's with then say alright that's ok, but don't come crying to me or try to get back with me, because you have to be the bigger one and I know it's hard, but that's what she deserves; if she wants to be with him. If she says she wants to be friends with you, tell her it will be hard to be friends because of her boyfriend, since he doesn't even let her text you. But I know you really want to be in her life, but if she is doing this with other guys, and tells you about them, then you don't deserve that. You deserve better, and trust me you will find the right girl. You seem like a good guy, so don't worry about it, and just let the right girl come to you. Good Luck and if you feel like she doesn't deserve you then just move on :)

What were some things invented during the enlightenment and french revolution?

It can be things, or ideas, or even beliefs. I need to do a report and im havin trouble finding answers. Thanx.

My Weird Dream.....what does it mean? please helppp!?

A giraffe was standing in the gameroom in my house wtchng tv. thn it dsspprd behind a door & instntly natnl treasure(1st 1)came into my mind.then smelt smoke so i ran in2 my livngroom(im @ my dads house)my family was stndng there in i askd my dad what hppnd and he couldnt talk so he pointed to the window where this really bright light was coming frm & my grndmthr. sed there was a reck.i ran 2 my frnt door just in time 2 c a blue car & a bike had recked in2 the back but the car looked smshd up in the frnt then the person that was riding the bike was pulling the person out of the car but there was no 1 in the car.the biker was ok & he had on a helmet. he told me 2 stand back while he was trying 2 pull no 1 out. i ran back into the livingroom and my dad told me 2 stand back 2 frm the windows.he askd me where my brother was and then he came chrgng in. I then tried to tell them the girraffe was missing but he wouldn't listen.i herd a bright light often means a prsn tht is clse 2 death

I have to choose between family members....I'm not sure what to do?

First of all, your mom and your aunts have no say so in it. He's a grown man who has obviously made a pretty good life for himself as well as them. This could be his way of grieving and he cannot and must not be condemned for it. It kind of seems that they are afraid he will go through all of his money and there will be nothing left for them when he dies, otherwise they would stand behind him no matter what. He is not disrespecting your grandmother in anyway. It's simply his way of dealing with his loss. The sooner you mom and aunts realize that, the sooner peace comes back to the family. Anyway, they don't have to approve or agree with what he is doing. They just need to love their father regardless.

For how long will white people need to feel guilty?

As a white person, I don't feel guilty for what those before me did. I feel badly, but it isn't mine to own. This country has finally begun the healing process. It will take time, be patient.

What do I do if I lost my motivation and perseverance?

I have to seem to have lost my drive to succeed. All throughout elementary and middle school, I received many awards and recognition, and I always was on the honor roll, never off of it. But as I entered high school, I have seem to lost me willingness to strive for what I want. After being faced with so much competition, I began to wilt as the years went out. Now as a junior, I don't know who I am as a person anymore, I am not myself. I don't know what to do anymore.

2010 fright fest great america?

im going on saturday at great america in illinois... can you use a 2010 season p? i know if you buy a 2011 season p you can use that, but i heard you can use 2010 also. i don't want to be denied at the door! thanks mucho!

Fish questions? Anyone know?

Your better off getting a betta. Goldfish are not easy to look after, as they need large tanks. 20 or 75 gallons depending on the type you get

Legal advice re Libel?

libel by innuendo. by suggesting that you allow your pet to foul the area you may be seen in a worse light by right thinking people. Was it published to multiple people?

When did Jericho render JBL unconscious?

It was on Raw on February 11th in a Streetfight and Y2J won the match on a KO after he choked out JBL with cable off the Titantron.

Skin diseases and internal infections: caused by Bacterial, virus, fungi?

It's pivotal to eat effectively to stay fit. Colon cleanse is an amazing suplement that keeps you fit and in addition has the bonus of helping you to lose a lot of weight. There's a free trial happening at the moment at , give it a try, why not?

Brett Favre saga continues.?

Are you kidding me? Drop Orton...Favre is a proven hall of famer and he ALWAYS plays. He's been with that same offensive scheme for 16 years, it is his old coordinator from Green Bay. Plus Adrian Peterson, and Berrian and Rice, he will put up some numbers with that offense.

Why have I put on weight even though I'm jogging 3 times a week?

I've been jogging three times a week for a couple of months and have put on a couple of kgs. Why? I'm female and have been eating slightly less than normal. I don't seem to be any fatter - looks like I've lost a bit of weight around my stomach and arms but can't tell with my legs (which is where I carry my weight), my is more toned though. Is it a myth that jogging helps you to lose weight? Does jogging (about half hour/five kms) make your legs bigger and more muscular? Should I do another form of exercise given my legs are heavier and prone to become muscular? Help! So annoyed!

Question about Frontline Flea and Tick for cats???

I want to get that Frontline flea and tick stuff for my cat. I had gotten it two years ago when we had a terrible flea infestation of our home. My husband brought me home a kitten from a place on his way home from work that was advertising "Free to a good home". Little did he know that the kitten had fleas and regrattably infected the whole house and our other cat. Our other cat has since ped away, but we still have the original kitten. She is now flea free and will be 4 years old this Spring. I had gotten the Frontline for them when this whole thing happened, but our cat licked it off. Isn't that stuff poisonous? I haven't gotten it for her since because she is so flexible, that when you put it on her, she licks the darn stuff off and I don't want to make her sick. Is is OK to use this stuff, even though she can ingest it? I would think not, with all the warning lables on the back. Any input???

If hell is going to be emptied out, before hell itself is cast into the lake of fire, then does that mean...?

Actually that means hell is the place of the dead and has nothing to do with the place of final damnation which is the lake of fire.

What would be a good essay topic about Lee Harvey Oswald?

The website listed below had some info about him. There are a bunch of conspiracy theories about Lee Harvey Oswald and the JFK ination. Maybe you could focus on a few-or attempt to prove/disprove some. ?? Just some suggestions. Hope this helps.

Peerless boiler how to keep water level?

On a steam boiler you can in stall an automatic fill valve works like ball in your toilet or check the sight gl every few days Ahot water boiler is filled by itself from street pressure

What do i say at this school meeting?

We live in a very strange world Jess. With everything you have shared it makes me wonder why you want to keep her there for even five minutes longer. Not bad enough she isn't fitting in but once the teachers are against her she will never get a fair hearing or protection from bullies. I reckon move schools or home school her.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How I can live and work in Prague in Czech Republic? and czech study school for foreigner?

im from belgium, i have familly there and i understand very good the language , just the talking is not so good. which work will be available?

Will I be accused for plagiarism?

No, i think it sounds fine. I wouldn't have made the connection if you hadn't pointed it out. :) Good luck with your book.

Doesn't Society need to use a little Fairness?

In today's world nobody ever does anything wrong, let alone own up to it (Mr. Bush is a prime example)

The combustion of propane produces carbon dioxide and steam.?

b is not correct. The stoichimetric coefficients represent moles and molecules, not mes. It would actually be that 5 grams of oxygen produces 4.125 grams of carbon dioxide.

Turtle Beach X31 turning off?

After a couple minutes or so, they just turn off. I push the power on again, they go back on for about ten seconds then turn off again. I've had them a couple months and haven't dropped them or anything like that. I know its not the batteries; I've tried several pair that all tested good on my battery tester.

Can somebody please explain me how can I make a car business?

hi I wanna send a cars to colombia from boston can you guys explain me from the first step how can I do it? who can I contact? thanks every one

What plant/fungus is this pls?

dont worry its not harmful its an oakball i have tons of them at my house heres a funny story about one when i was outside i saw a oakball and i poked it with a fork then the powder flew out and ran away.

Do you think the Texans are going to make it to the playoffs?

The Texans have such much faith that we are going to make it to the playoffs, Do you guys think this is true and what are you expecting for to see this year

Which team will win the cricket world cup?

Asian teams have equally good chance,most of their players having played in IPL know the conditions better.

What does the McPalin mean by "we can't let that happen" regarding control of congress and white house by dems?

Just what code is he sending to the neo-fascist element in the Republican party and what do you think they will do to prevent the inevitable. Remember that FDR had such control for many years and it hauled this country from the brink of revolution against the people who created that mess then. Now the ideological descendants of the Hooverite do nothing it will be fine crowd got us to bail them out and now want us to keep their minions in that is chutzpah!!

Is this separation of church and state? Is this a violation of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?

Yes, it's a violation of everything which is decent and moral, and it's a good example of the danger that insane religious beliefs pose to our society.

What is the first thing you want to know abut your boyfriend?

I am not asking about someone you may now be considering for a future husband. Let us say, your friends set you up for a blind date. You meet the guy and he actually seems normal and maybe want to go out with him again. Now that you have that in mind, what is/are the first thing(s) you want to know about him? I do not want to know the questions you will ask, just what you would want to know.

Need to find a dance store Brookhurst?

I was told there is a dance store on brookhurst and ellis in Huntington beach but the woman who told me about it didn't know the name can anyone tell me it? Or do you know of any dance stores that open earlier than 10 preferably in the garden grove area or westminster/Huntington beach area? Thank you in advance.

Please!! Can I Get Into Harvard, Yale, or Princeton?

You're as qualified, if not more qualified, than most of the people who apply to these schools (many of whom don't get in of course). You should certainly apply, but keep in mind that, regardless of how good you are, getting into these schools requires a great amount of luck as well.

Professor Phil Jones exonerated - how will deniers spin this?

Global warming is a political tool that is used to raise taxes, we all know it, if the real risk was caused by the activity of man the use of large engined gas guzzling cars would no longer be allowed to be used, unnecessary travel by plane would also be restricted, there is no argument that what we produce does increase global warming slightly but if you are wealthy it is fine for you to pollute, when did you ever see a politician travel around in a Ford Fiesta, or a pop star, film star, business Mogul and Royalty, travel around in anything other than a limousine, no, neither have I, have you noticed that Prince Andrew still uses a helicopter to travel to see a game of golf, Simon Cowell still uses a private plane and they use four separate limo`s to travel around in the X Factor even though they are going to the same place, If you are not wealthy then it seems to be a crime to have a car that has an engine larger than 1500 cc but if you are rich then anything that you want is fine as long as you can afford it regardless of whether you are damaging the planet or not, as usual, one rule for the rich and a different one for the poor, the claim of global warming being caused by man and not a natural event would be more convincing if they were all prepared to do their bit, remember though, our planet has been through the warming and cooling periods many times long before man was even there to cause it.

Fiscal and monetary measures taken by government in solving inflation?

do you mean like what we are doing now, or what we should do? We should decrease the money supply by increasing the interest rate, and for the fed to sell bonds and increase discount rate(monetary policy), and the government should fiscally spend less as a government and to increase taxes (income). This is theoretically what we should do to decrease inflation, but what we are doing now is to increase government spending and decrease taxes (fiscally speaking, no idea about the monetary.)

Where can I find competitive swimsuits?

I'm look for a website that I could design a suit that has a paw print on the . My school mascot is a panther so I think it'd be cute.

How do you help a friend?

Has it occurred to you that haring her and making her feel bad about her metaphysical beliefs may not be the best thing for her in her state of mind?

Whats the best kind of straightener to buy?

my hair is naturally wavy and poofy and down to my . whats the best kind of straightener that won't damage hair and will leave it smooth and shiny? i heard chi, or ghd. any suggestions?

Adolf Hitler - Okay Serious question. Dont take offence.?

Okay Many people have said HITLER was gay, biual etc. I personally have been studied about him at school and have become very interested about his life and stuff. Anyways I dont belive he was gay because right before he was about to commite suicide, he decided to Marry Eva ( his lover at the time). I mean if he was gay he wouldnt have done that. Marriage is a sign of love, something you do when you really love someone and want to spend the rest of your lives together. And he knew he was going to die, and so would she yet he still married her. Dsont that show he wasnt gaya nd that he TRULY did LOVE her? I am aware he killed alot of innoncent people so please dosnt tell me that as i am aware. This question has just got to do with what I mention. Thanks please give me your feedback and opinions.

Why is the Media singling out Iran all the time, including this stoning story?

iran and that lilt guy out Smart all the world, in fact they produce thee own weapons know and the Next 5 years iran is going to be another china in the middle east, and you know wat in going to happened, the extermination of the jews. i do not like this at all is to dangers for europe and middle east. i see it coming and it must be stop wile the Snake is Small.

Do you think that freedom can truly fought for through violence or war?

If you have to fight are you truly free? I just need some perspective on war and violence. I don't understand how someone can send little boys to learn how to kill "very efficiently I might add" and feel ok about this. It just seems very contradictory to FIGHT for PEACE. I know that tribal warfare has been a part of our history for thousands of years, will it take an asteroid to make us learn a peaceful existence? I have a feeling this is what is on the horizon. Near global extinction is what it will take.

Can I use haze fluid with this fogger?

t is recommended using the manufacturer's fog fluid. Fog machines are calibrated for temperatures of the fluid formulated for that particular model. Using incorrect fluid for the fog machine could result in a damaged machine due to overheating during the flashing process.

I missed my PSAT What should I do?

I'm a sophmore and i missed my psat due to a death in my family. Do you guys know what to do? If i can take it anytime soon? Thanks

Chest congestion in infant but not sick?

My little boy who is now 11 months old has been having off and on chest congestion since he was about 5 months not sick no runny nose or nasal congestion just sometimes randomly he will get real congested whether is last all day or something only a hour or a few hours then goes away it just comes and goes and we have taken him to the doctor who said it was prob, a sinus infection gave him anitobitocs but didnt help b.c to me its not a sinus infection if it comes and goes sometimes can be clear for a week then he can get upset crying and get congested or can excited and get congested, so im just stumped on what it can be or if anyone else's child does this and what it could be?

Is Santa Claus real? Please tell me!!!?

Hun, I'm soooo sorry to tell you, but he's fake. ='[ The website was made to make little kids go to bed so their parents can eat the cookies and milk and put the presents under the tree from their hidin. Most adults will say that he's real, to keep you in the christmas spirit. But he's not. Sorry. :S

How do I get permission to use copyrighted music?

For example, I'm trying to use The Pretender -Foo Fighters, give me a walkthrough of what to do. Thanks if you do.

Heres a long question for you.what will eat guppy fry?

The angelfish, the guppies, the paradise fish, and the betta will eat the fry or kill them. You CAN house the fish in the breeding trap, if there aren't too many, then when they are big enough, let them free, this won't be inhumane, unless you have a lot of fry. Good luck.

CHINA/INDIA/AFRICA/AMERICAS: How come No Age of Discovery. Sailed around the world/flight/ Moon Landing?

In the middle of re-reading "Guns, Germs and Steel" right now. It's an excellent overview of how some societies were able to succeed or fail, based on natural resources, geography and other factors. Very cool book, well worth investing in, if you are interested in how our ancestors figured out hows and whys of group survival..

Would This Cause the End of us all?

If you throw a lucky penny at a mirror hard enough that it shatters, wouldn't it create a paradox thus causing the Earth to rip apart? (breaking mirrors causes bad luck)

CAD/CAM engineers....?

How promising is the field of cad/cam and PLM. All designing software fascinates me and i like designing and operating softwares like catia , pro e, autocad. Though i am not professionally fluent in using these software. I am ready and would love to learn other softwares too. I just wanted to know how promising career is in this field. Any experience you you want to share? You are welcome. Thanks field. Any experience you you want to share? You are welcome. Thanks

Do you think many peoples opinions about TEENAGE PREGNANCY is based of what they see on T.V.?

well my opinion of teenage moms comes from what i saw in high school. girls from the ages of 14 through 17 having with a bunch of different guys and getting pregnant and either having the child and neglecting them because they want to live their lives or using abortion as an option. however with that said that's my opinion on the teenage moms that I know personally. not ALL teenage moms are bad moms. i know quite a few mothers that got pregnant when they were in their teens and they are some of the best moms i know. i think that people group other people in one category although they don't know each individual person. just like people are racist. not all black people, or muslim people or who ever is bad. not all teen moms are bad. some have their head on straight... like you. and the ones who are responsible (like you) should be commended however there is just that stigma that is attached to teen parenting that it's just not that easy for people to get older. im sorry that people may say mean things or treat you differently or badly because you're a teen mom but for myself personally i say way to go. you seem very Intelligent and seem to have your head on straight. i think you'll make a great mom.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How did the donkey and elephant become politically symbolic?

My memory of the details are a little foggy, but I will give you a website with a little information. I know the elephant has to do with animals escaping from the zoo, and a cartoonist drew a republican candidate as the elephant escaping.

Blacks started the Lowriding craze?

Hello, I have lived in Los Angeles all my life and was always curious as to who started the Lowrider craze. I see both Blacks and Hispanics driving them and for some reason I thought Hispanics started it. Well, even though I think the consenses is that Hispanics started the trend it was actually a Black club/organization in the Watts area of Los Angeles that has credit for starting the Lowriding craze that we know today. Whites and Hispanics in the 40's and 50's used to throw sacks of dirt or blocks in the trunk in order to lower they're cars but that was just look they were trying to maintain. Whites actually were doing it for a "Rodder" look and Hispanics copied the trend. A family named Ruelas, I believe from L.A. also started to do body work and paint work and perfected the look. The Lowriding we see today started in the 60's in the midst of some turbulant times in Los Angeles. Blacks, working in the aircraft industry, used to take the landing gear hydraulics and adapt them to the suspension of they're cars. Adding the small wheels and tires giving it the familiar Lowrider look we know today. Hispanics have long taken credit for Lowriding presumably because of the way they simply lowered they're cars previous to the 60's. Interestingly, Blacks have never really tried to stake claim to starting the trend. In talking to one car club member in Los Angeles, I was told that it is like many things that started in Black culture. Whether it be the Soul/RB music, the style of dress or speach that many cultures emulate, it's one of those things that you have to expect some cultures to take and try to make they're own. I actually learned a lot from an article that Car Craft Magazine wrote in a magazine I found dated Sep/1970, explaining exactly how it all got started. I was fortunate to ride with one of the oldest car clubs around. The Majestics, a club started by Blacks in Compton California, is now world wide with some of the most beautiful cars I have ever seen and again, I LIVE in Los Angeles. I know that beliefs die hard, but those of you that were as curious as I, chapter closed.

If doctors find out im not a virgen and i'm 14 will they tell our parents&can doctors find out?

please answer both questions im going to get a physical test &iwonder if theykll find out dat i had alreadyy&im scared theyll tell my parents

Answer my guy problem, and I will answer yours please ?:)?

Hes an idiot.I think he just wanted to see if he could get with when u have a boyfriend ur a catch..a challenge..but when you want him the thrill is over..that's what is sounds like to me.

Player Ratings: Liverpool...?

Skrtel isn't to be blamed at all. Carragher missed his mark and allowed the freedom in the left side of the goal.

Music by Elton John?

I love elton Johns songs can you feel the love tonight and the circle of life and dose any one think that at the end of the circle of life song its lovely when Elton johns holding a baby lion?

Secret shoppers, advice please?

I have done mystery/phantom shopping. I was called to do specific ignments. First I had to go to the office to get the instruction, money and doents to fill in. Then at the given time I had to enter the target shop, buy an item and observe the shop istant. Then I filled in the questioner and evaluated lots of things about the shop and the istant. Then I went back to the office, gave back the item, the change and the questioner. What I did was just an occasional thing. When I wanted to quit (I found a full-time job) I just told them I am no available any more.

Ingested alot of lake water. Ibs? What test should I get?

After that I was dizzy for 2 weeks, then had insane anxiety, my bowel movements are small maybe once a day. Bowel movements were green, now worm like with sulphur smell. Most of my crazy symptoms and anxiety are gone except my stomach growls and bowel movements are still rare and palms get really sweaty. I had blood test. would that show anything about infection or stomach disease? What should I do now?

Would men be less frustrated and critical of Feminism as being hypocritical if women..?

I doubt you'll hearing anything of the sort from most women. Especially the ones on this forum. They'll continue to use twisted logic to justify what modern Feminism is REALLY about.

Shelton Benjamin vs John Cena?

cena would win. shelton is not well liked.... unfortunatly this shows over and over again. hes better but cena would win

I dont no how to install anything on this mac!!!!!?

ok so ive had a macbook for about a year now ive never been able to ever install any non mac program. im no newbie to computers im actually 10 units away from being a netwrok administrator and im currently part of a company similair to geek squad for windows. anyways my monitor went out today so im putting my mac to use. well i come into the same problems, on windwos after a downlaod is completed a installation wizard pops up. wel after i get done downloading a program on this mac. it sits in the download window. if i right click( ctrl click) and select open on the downloads it does nothing how do i actually install anything on this mac!!! if you have yahoo mess or aim and you can post your sn id deeply appreciate it, or you can try to answer my question here cause people have tried before but iven ever been able to install a non mac download

How to get past trust issues. No cheating, just very hurtful lies.?

One of my friend had this problem and I am gonna tell you how she solved it by herself. I understand that lies hurts but you should be glad that he hasn't cheated you. At least, he's trying his best to be the "MR.RIGHT" guy. To be honest, I have never seen this kind of guy. If a guy is willing to try to be everything that you want then this is something "real." Everyone deserves the second chance so why not trust him last time and give him the last chance?! And try not to stress out over small lies... Forget whatever happened and just focus on what's happening right now. If he's willing to make everything right again then trust him again one last time and let him do it. I hope this works! Best of luck.

M&M's World . . . . .?

Curious ques. about M&M's World. I remember going in 07 or 08, and in one of the levels, at the back, was orted peanut M&M's, in just about any color. Well i'm going back, and i wanted to know, does anyone know how much thay charge by? Do they charge by the pound, and if they do, how much? Thanks

What is your opinion of Lupe's new song "All Black Everything"?

It's a great song and one of the standout tracks on the album. Lupe comes up with some of the most creative songs. At first glance, when someones sees "All Black Everything," they think of jewelry, cars, and clothes. Lupe redefined the phrase with this song.

Filing a 1040 for Limited Liability Companies?

If I recently started a record label as LLC and haven't made any profit what so ever, do I still need to file taxes with the 1040? Thanks!

Would you read this if you could?

im sorry.. i think it sounds amazing!! but i like other types of books, but a bunch of my friends would totally love 2 read it!

I'm still afraid to ask my mom? (Girls only)?

Ok, I got my period like 2 weeks ago or so, and somehow my mom found out. Lol, I wasnt planning on telling her...I'm REALLY too afriad. I dont know why. I'm just SO too embarressed to ask her! It took me like 2 weeks to build up the courage to ask my mom for a bra! She was like fine with it, though. She handed tampons I ask my sister to ask her for (It took me a while to build up the courage to ask my SISTER TOO!) Anyway, when she handed them to me I was MORTIFIED. And she just giggled and said, "Mama know stuff!" I was so embarressed I almost threw up in the bathroom. Anyway, I wanna ask her for smaller pads too. (She buys those super duper extra huge as Rosie O'Donnell pads. There like wearing diapers! I just dont wanna get in any convosation like that because my older sister make it seem disgusting. She's just like so open with it and makes it seem horrible. She talks about it in front of my brother! EWW!! She makes it see like bad and all, but I really like it, it makes me feel goo

What's this song called?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Can I carry a firearm in California now?

Since gays are flocking to California to get married, knowing that their home state will have to recognize their marriage because it's legal in California, does that mean that California will have to concede that since my state recognizes my 2nd amendment right to carry a concealed firearm, California will have to do likewise. Is that going to be a big issue....What's good for the goose is good for the gander. What're your thoughts?

Why was my question deleted?

I asked how to uninstall iLok because I wasn't using it. Some moderator probably thought I was trying to cirvent copyright protection.

Dream about best friend?

I had a dream last night where my best friend and I had . We are both girls. I am not a , nor am I ually attracted to her in any way. I have a boyfriend that I love very much. My best friend and I are very close and we often play around, like wrestling and stuff and when she spends the night she usually snuggles up next to me. We are both straight though. Is this normal? I feel weird and ashamed about this and I don't know what to think.

How to pronounce sanskrit Mantra?

I want to know about pronunciation of Mantra. For example beej mantra of Lord Ganesha is गं. but some pandits pronounce it as Gung and some pronounce it as gum. What is the right and actual prounciation of such mantra and why ? Give the grammatical reason behind this.

Is cell reproduction simply mitosis?

Cell reproduction is mitosis. Meiosis is the reproduction of cells, it makes cell (egg, sperm) Meiosis makes 4 cells whereas mitosis makes only 2. Th cells from meiosis have the haploid # of chromosomes (23) whereas the others have the diploid # (46). The cells in meiosis go through interphase, prophase, metapahase, anaphase, telaphase twice.

TRUE or FALSE: There are only so many QUESTIONS in this World and so many more CONFLICTING ANSWERS?

Yes I did make this statement up as I replied to someones question..I never pre-think my answers and this just spontaneously appeared from my fingertips..hopefully is profound.

"How long will you simple ones love your simple ways?

i did listen to the lords rebuke, i heard it and i feared it, but i am not sure that i am able to do exactly what god watns me to do yet... soon, somehow i know that i will do what it is that god wants me to do... i just wish that he gives me enuff time... Please god give me more time, is my only wish! i dont know how long i will like my simple ways, i never loved them tho, bcuz they never gave me the comfort that my lord cld give me, but somehow i stick to them anyway!

NON SLUTTY costume ideas please.?

I can't find a decent costume that won't show my too much or won't have a skirt that is up to my bum. are girls really that low that they will use halloween as an excuse to dress slutty? and the companies that are stereotyping saying that only girls can have the slut costumes and guys can have the funny/gory costumes. Last year i was a zombie for halloween and i have to resort to using homemade things and face paint because they didn't have a women zombie costume :/. anyone have any ideas on what to be for halloween this year? pics please

Similes about winter?

I am writing winter poems for my project and i am just stumped. Does anyone have any examples of winter similes?

I am totally hooked on my best friend - help?

My best guy friend is beginning to be extremely important to me yet he lives in Germany (and I live in the Czech Republic - it's 4 hours away by car), and I know he still loves this chick a year older than me, who doesn't love him back. I really want to tell him... but should I? Please help!

What can I use to stop my door rattling?

Simple, just go to your local hardware store or homecenter. Buy a rubber insulator gasket that adhears to the door jam. Your door has a little space between to jam and the door and is rattling when the wind blows. This gasket is generally used as an insulator for preventing cold air from blowing through the door gap but will fill your gap and work effectivly for your rattling problem.

Why is it cold during winter if earth is closest to the sun?

I know it is cold not due to the distance but because the earth tilts making the northern hemisphere cooler than southern. My real question is how does the earth tilt when it is round?

Friday, August 12, 2011

CHRISTIANS: is your "religion" beyond questioning?

I believe we should all Seek the Truth for ourselves as your buddah suggests and to not rely on man to define what is the Truth, the rest of what buddah says I cannot agree as it "appears to me" is a counterfeit (complete opposite)to God's ways and Word, we have the Bible as our guide, so to suggest to question it's authority is not possible for us :-) God Bless and Happy Sabbath

What do you believe the major international test will be if Obama is elected?

Joe Biden has said that very soon after Obama is elected his administration will be tested by the international community. With Russia, Iran, North Korea, and now Syria arenas for terrorism or violence, what do you think the greatest danger is? If you believe in Obama are you willing to stand by him if, as Biden suggests, his response may be wrong.

Where can I find a half-and-haf Colts/Buckeyes Jersey?!?

My boyfriend told me he wants a Gonzalez jersey that's half Ohio State & half Colts. I can't seem to find this anywhere. Have you seen anything like this online or in stores?

Make a drawing and solve the following problem. Explain your solution?

autumn is making a baby quilt she has 24 squares of material there are 6 squares for each rows each squares equals 6 1/2 inches if autumn wants to sew a fringed border around the outside of the quilt how many inches of border does she need

Favorite "monkey" song?

Easy one for me, finally Shock the Monkey by Peter Gabriel. It was my blast song during the week too! :)

How do I go about having a child with my friend?

I know this sounds stupid, but if he can't compose himself to just have with you, then have him masturbate in to a shot gl, for example, and then you can just pour the semen into your . It's less complicated and cheaper. Just try to do it when you're at your most fertile part of the month.

The magnetic field around a 345 KV conductor is usually greater in size and strength then the magnetic field?

around a 4 KV conductor due to.... A. greater current flow in the 345 B. lower current in the 345 C. lower voltage of the 4 KV D. high resistance of the 345

Chihuahua Question :]?

I have a one year old chihuahua named Roxy and she has recently developed many black spots on her belly, its okay that they are black because she is a black and white dog but I'm just wondering if it is normal. It seems like it has happened over night, I see her belly everyday because she absolutely loves belly rubs and kisses. Is it normal??

My valiant turbomax plus boiler is giving no heat help it's snowing out!?

I have hot water but no heat if I put it in sf.s mode I get heat for about 15 mins then it goes off again. The status display reads s.34 which means no call for heat from low voltage controller (not sure what that means though) the controls are turned on full for heat and water but ignition doesn't seem to be automatically firing up except for when I turn a hot tap on then I can hear it kick in and I get hot water. I dont think anything broke cos it was working fine till my husband messed about with the pressure realease valve ( lord knows why he felt the need to mess about with something that wasn't broke) the pressure at present is sitting in the green bit between one and two bars. Please help it's freezing cold :o(

Is there a connection between baptism methods and cooking methods in the Bible Belt?

Baptism by dunking a person completely under water is the preferred method by the majority of Bible Belt Evangelicals. The area is also known for eating mive amounts of deep fried foods and food smothered in gravy. Coincidence?

Hard Time finding Driver for my sound card.?

the sound blaster audigy mp3 is where the driver is located at the support site save the driver to the disc, go to add and remove and uninstall the driver,use ccleaner registry option to clean up the old files shutdown take the card out put it back in restart see if windows detect it , install the driver,restart, i hope that helps

Has anyone taken Amberen for Menopause? If yes, can it be taken with other antidepressants like Cymbalta?

I am thinking about taking Amberen for hot flashes, mood swings, etc but I already take Cymbalta to control my OCD and aniexty levels. I want to know if there would be an interaction? It says no, cause its natural but you never know and I was hoping someone who took it and another antidepressant at the same time might of had problems or not? please help, can't find info on interactions.

I requested the worst thing in the world to my husband and now I'm really hurt what to do now?

You don't have to look at it that way. You and your husband, your mate, your man, your partner in crime... the two of you experimented and that was that. It didn't sit well with you and you won't do it again. It's like trying a new food that you gagged on. Don't beat yourself up over it and don't take it out on him. For some couples it is a thrill. Maybe instead of this you'll find public more to your liking or or maybe kitchen . ;-) When it pops into your head take control and say I'm done being upset over this and think about something else. Don't let this ruin your relationship with your husband.

How come all the papers are now referring to the Egyptian 'Dictatorship'?

Whereas for years before the current protests it was 'the Egyptian Authorities'? Wise after the event or jumping on the band waggon?

Creamy moisture in engine top end - why?

the way I understand it, this moisture collects in the oil filler cap and tube, A combination of short trips, and the vehicle never getting a good long run which helps keep moisture out of the engine. Its unlikely to be just in the filler cap from a head gasket leak, so likely you are right the engine is fine, wipe the moisture out of the filler tube and cap thats pretty much all you can do about it at this point. Although I remember reading something about engines in cadillacs having issues with intake gaskets after 100,000 miles. Check on this website and see click on search, type in 1999 cadillac catera complaints and recalls ? click searh. on the results page scroll down past the google ads and good luck.

What do you think of my poem?

Wow this is was a serious love poem it's very sad. Wow it touched me I feel as if it happen to me. This is a crazy feeling of sadness you have proven to me that you could write a great poem. I can't wait to read what's next. I love this one.

How long did it take you to learn to TYPE well/fast?

I struggled for years. Finally now after a decade in the office I am a wizard. Concentrate more on getting it right than speed. That's probably why Mr. Gates invented the spell checker in MS Word!:)

Should I try to make friends with people who would otherwise neglect me?

you don't have to make friends with them. Just be kind and nice. If they neglect you that doesn't mean that you have to neglect them.

Has "Lockerz Redemption Countdown" worked for anyone/been relatively accurate?

It doesn't work at all because last month when redemption went live, the countdown had 15 days left. Also, the redemption is today according to the website, but lockerz has NOT announced anything yet. Redemption is every month and so far this month, nothing has occured, but don't worry the month is almost over so it's near :)

What please is the cheapest type of water softener?

Are the ones with Electric wires going round pipes any good, I only need a small amount of water softened before it goes in to a boiler, thanks

True or False: Faith is a conscious CHOICE?

Please designate true or false, and also your religious affiliation: agnostic, atheist, Chrstian, Islam, Judaism, other

Do I need to prep my garlic before freezing it?

I have fresh garlic from my garden and would like to freeze the excess. Do I need to dry it a bit first to get the peel off. Or can I just wash it and peel it as I thaw it?

Fin stabilized bullet design?

how come no bullets have been designed to use something like a fin stabilized sabot/ or no sabot projectile? which are used in tank cannons

A debt collector made remark in my credit report which is a complete scam. How to remove it from my report ?

You should be able to dispute anything in your credit file. It it is something that is untrue and the creditor refuses to remove it then you can sue them as long as you can prove what you say. You can also put something in your credit file.

Puma big black cat mountain lion, has any one seen one in victoria ?

i hit one with my car it was huge maybe the size of a medium dog it just ran out in front of my car on the south gippsland highway i got out of the car with my friends and it wad dead on the side of the road this was a few months ago and i cant get over it, has any one else seen any in victoria or australia

What is a Freemason and what is Illuminate?

I've heard different versions for both some people say they are part of the same thing while others say they are nothing to do with each other. There's also non stop chat about it from people saying Lady Gaga and Jay Z and Beyonce are part of these organizations. Which in part has something to do with devil worship. Obvi I'm in the dark here and very confused!

I heard a song and I don't know what it is?

There are "who do you love" lyrics in songs bu George Thorogood, The Doors, Bo Didley, adn Backstreet Boys Those are the main songs that I found using the search engine.

What is a scientific hypothesis?

2 is the hypothesis. To do an experiment, first you have to make an observation (which is what #1 is). Then you make a prediction and a hypothesis. Then you create an experiment to test your hypothesis. 3 and 4 are things that come after your initial experiment.

What do you think will happen to the Kangaroos after knocking back the offer to move to the Gold Coast?

Yep, Kanga's arnt moving to the Gold Coast, Demetriau (dunno how to spell his name) wants a team on the Gold Coast; what do you think is going to happen??

Thursday, August 11, 2011


How do i relate it to "global perspective", "people and nature" and "science and values"

Isn't it a fact that the Earth is older than 6,000 years?

Yes, it's a fact. Totally proven, unequivocally true, the Earth is MUCH MUCH older than 6000 years...hell, even humans have been around longer than that.

How do you nicely tell your boyfriend that you don't want to use his tattoo artist?

It's not that his aren't nice, they are. I just want mine to be delicate and detailed (I want extremely small kitten footprints with very thin lines and all of my boyfriends tattoo's tend to have bolder lines). He swears by said artist. How can I nicely say I don't want to use him without it seeming like I'm insulting HIS tattoo's, which he loves.

Questions regarding my dog's poop and pooping habits.?

Hi, I have two male queensland healers. One is almost nine months old the other is almost thirteen years old. Both pets do their business in my side yard which is gr and this is where I want them to do their business. The older one poops once or twice a day. His poop is solid and about enough to fill the palm of my hand. When he squats he stays put until he is done. later in the day he will do likewise just in a different area in the side yard. This is all fine. What I am curious about is why the poops from the younger one are always soft and a little smaller. In addition to this he does two other things when pooping. After the soft poops come out, he then poops these numerous, little, really mushy poops and unlike my older dog that squats in one area until finished the younger one insists on doing his business in two or three different spots in my side yard. In short, I would like his poops to be solid and in one spot. Any suggestions? Thanx, Bob

How do I keep relationship with girls platonic?

you're such a douche bag. I have the opposite problem, girls don't like me as anything more than a friend, ever.

Kung Fu Vs. Kickboxing?

Ive wondered how a kung fu fighter defends and attacks a boxer and kung fu fighters dont have their guards like a boxer's so how do they defend? Also, how would a kung fu fight attack a boxer? what would happen if someone like jackie chan went against chuck liddel? plz not UFC fans that will say boxing and MMA will beat kung fu anytime because im looking for a true non biased answer

I have alaptop....looks as though it may have a memory card slot...?

ive got advent laptop....and mobile phone and camera have memory is this slot for mem cards do u think...

Linear Algebra - Subspaces?

a href=";_ylt=AsZHznSK5yX487KSIwv_cKvty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110513041425AA9KlOA";…/a

How do both of us see the moon at the same time?

sometimes the moon rises around 3 or 4 PM usually when it is waxing gibbous. On those days it can be seen in the afternoon and still later after sunset.

Is my boiler going to blow up? im quite scared now..?

it sounds possibly like a thermostat problem---however if it is leaking it is time for repair or replacement of the boiler as the leak will only get worse

Black Eyed Kids? Jon's story?

I have read stories where changelings have all black eyes. The fact that they need permission to enter is interesting and has been seen in many stories about vampires and fairies. Their strange calmness and influence over people would also be explained by them being changelings.

Single mom/ Lots of medical bills that I need help with - is there any help for me?

the medical bills are piling in and bill collections keep calling. I dont have the money - I really dont. I work full time and try my best but I cannot pay these bills. I recently switched insurance companys because the one I had I guess wasnt paying a big portion of the doctor bills. I was just wondering if anyone knows of any goverment grants or anything else to help get rid of these medical bills. I have bad credit and the only thing is on there is those medical bills. please help. I have a 5 year old son and I want to provide a great life for him but at times I feel stuck because I dont have good credit at all. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

I have a question about the misuse of Martial Arts?

People who "simply wants to learn the arts for beating people up" simply tend to quickly grow overconfident and develop an urge to quickly prove that they are now skilled martial artists capable of kicking *** and taking names. Overconfidence with an extra helping of being overeager usually results in catastrophic failure... whether it's related to martial arts or any other sort of skill.

Genre on my IPod. 10 Points gogogo?

So I put a CD in to add to my Music Library. One of my old Korn CD's. It puts it in Alternative, which imo is a rock band. So my question is how do change the genre so it goes into my Rock album and not my Alt album.

Urgent Oblivion Character Help!? Archer-Mage Combo. Need Help With Major Skills?

I don't really think you need stealth as an major because you can power level in the beginning of the game and once you enter the Dark Brotherhood, you get a suit that gives you +10 stealth. I would try to add in conjuration and take out Alchemy because alchemy is stupid while conjuration can let you have little minions follow you around.

ARGH !!!I`M SO DUMB!!!what do i do now ?

well,stupidly , i decided o play rachmaninov `s prelude in g minor op 23 no 5 for the concert. not a big deal, a yearly event in the academy. i`m in grade 4 , and not very experienced , and no child prodigy either. there`s one week left , and i made this decision just yesterday , so today when i started to practice , obviously i sucked !! i know it`s stupid of me . Rachmaninoff`s an incredibly difficult composer . so , my question is do you think i should give up trying to play it and play something easier like . or should i work extra hard at this piece and try to get it done ?if you play piano , you`d know how tough this is . what do i do ? suggest some alternative pieces , vivace , if possible . should i get ahead with this or let it go >?

Are any of these bands satanic: Korn, Rage Against the machine,System of a Down?

I already listen to Korn alot and i'm pretty sure they arent satanic, but i want someone elses point of view. As far as the other bands, i wanna start listening to them but i wanted to get some insight first.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Where can I watch the episodes I missed for "Gossip Girl"??

I've tried youtube and like all the episodes have been blocked because of copyright I can't watch the episodes there. I've also tried to go to the cw website but it won't play on my computer. I don't know why but I've tried it three times and it still didn't can someone please help me find a place to watch "Gossip Girl"!! Thanx

Girls- Do you like a bigger guy (not fat by the way) or smaller?

For e.g: I'm a rugby player: I'm 6'1 and 80 kgs or would you prefer a smaller less physically strong man. This is purely for my own knowledge as I've always wondered.

How did I do on my Fantasy Draft?

Great team for picking last ill give u some advice on who need to start and who to sit, start Clark over Cooley and Marshawn Lynch over Ronnie Brown and you will not only win one game but you will be in the playoffs or just barely miss it.

Why is sulphuric acid needed in a redox reaction between bleach and sodium thiosulphate?

I also have to add ammonium molybdate as a catalyst in the reaction, so why is sulphuric acid needed?

Politically speaking isn't yelling at Oprah during the camp for not having Palin on the same as?

the argument for the fairness doctrine? I mean without it I don't have to have you on my show right?

When is the exact birth date of thomas l. jennings and where was he educated?

im doing a S.S. project for black history month and i need these answers to finish it up PLEASE HELP!

What did Paula do now???

I haven't been watching American Idol because I've been super busy (and the show is getting a little weak, this season anyways), What did Paula do last episode that crowned her a fool once again? I don't think she's stupid (or on drugs, or drunk) I think the editing in the show stinks... Anyways what happened?

My account MSN account got hacked by a stranger?

Make a new one. It's a lot easier because you can just re add everyone and tell them your old one got hacked.

Will you please critique and interpret this peice of writing re a VERY vivid dream I had recently?

Well I dont know about an interpretation maybe the man was God, that is the thought that kept popping in my head as I read it but I dont know for sure. I thought it was a beautiful story very well writtten in my opinion I couldnt stop reading it and it seemed to relax me. So thanks for sharing it I really enjoyed it.

I have lost all hope of finding love and it feels terrible as Ive reached the end of the roa?

I am 44 and single. For over 20 years I have found myself attracted and or inspired by (put another way fancy) girls who have seemingly had more choices and options than to go for someone like me, this presumably explains why I have been pretty consistently rejected as I just havent been able to make my mark. Im not putting myself down I have plenty going for me but its all relative. I have tried to improve myself ( better read , more interests, personal growth etc) but actually getting older makes things a bit harder each year not easier. So I have a time problem too. Almost all the girls attracted to me Im not inspired by (they just dont float by boat) and the thought of having a relationship with them depresses me. So there is a big gap between what I am attracted to and what I attract. Is it possible to have a relationship and fake it, can you really become inspired by a girl you dont really fancy? I can see nothing is going to really change except me changing but can one condition one self to be either happy alone forever or to accept that you might be with someone you dont love?. Im tired of being alone, Im a pretty strong person mentally but I feel lonely and discouraged. Im sliding backwards, the pressure is building, Im getting older, it gets harder to meet people the door is closing and the feeling of disappointment is overwhelming. Anyone else feel the same?

Pick 2 outta these 3 rbs. Ryan Grant, Adrian Peterson and Chris Johnson?

Ride ur stud AP look at what Cedric freaking Benson did to the Ravens 136 yards and a TD.Start Ryan Grant hes healthy coming off a bye at home and playing the Lions what more do you want?

Tell me the reason...?

...why it isn't possible that we drop democracy and return to monarchy the way it had always been down the history?

Only college girls and kids who were teens and college student answer this?

i am 21 years old and i know i am a good looking guy, i am not the hottest guy around but i am good looking. my question is this. i am single and tell me if i am doing this wrong or if i am wrong. is it just me or the way you ask a girl out is different then the way you use to ask a girl out in the 90's. for example in the 90's from tv to real life.the way i saw it was a guy thought a girl WHO HE DID NOT KNOW, was cute. and would go up to her ask her out. and she would either say yes no or no not interested. because when a guy asks yo out he likes you not like you in the way i like you want i want yo to be my boyfriend but just like you. now its how the girl thinks and even the guy thinks what everyone and their Friends will say and if they don't wear the newest cloths or Finch. so is it me or have the way you ask a girl out changed or am i living in a Fantasy world

Is it wrong to not want to see my EF when her Aunt Flo comes to visit?

Yes it is very wrong. You should spend time with your EF's aunt Flo, I understand boring and dread that your feeling. But you can not spend time with your wife. She beat my in scrabble last night, and I have to study some new words so I can win my pants back. Yes it was strip scrabble, I thought everyone played it that way.

Heyy! guys i need your help with this!?

okay so i like this one guy and we had a couple cles together during the year and homeroom and during our one cl together and he was telling some other people how we are homeroom buddies and he kept calling me his best friend. but does this mean anything like does he like me or anything?

Major nose bleeds when i dont get a cigarrete?

So whenever i have the urge to smoke and i resist my nose tarts bleeding like crazy is that normal, well i mean i know it's not normal too have nosebleeds like that but does this happened often to some people ?

Will an Intel GMA X3100 work for Star Trek Online?

The GMA X3100 is a steaming pile of crap and would choke to death on that game. If there is any way for you to upgrade your video card, then do so.

Where can i find this storage trolley?

Strange that you would ask about stores in the UK, and post it under Chicago. I didn't look at your very long link, but might help you locate what you want.

Mohammed most influential man in history? Your opinions is SEVERLY needed right here.?

Did you know he didn't eat until he made sure that everyone in his village had something to eat? He made sure poverty did not exist. There's a huge difference between someone who murdered thousands of people because they were Jewish, and a person who loved everyone, regardless of their race, religion etc. There's a very well known story about Mohammad. He had a really rude neighbor who cursed him every time he walked out of his house, threw rocks at him, put garbage and gl on his doorstep. The prophet simply ignored this and smiled at him, and prayed for him to be guided in the right path. When this neighbor wasn't outside one day to curse at him, Mohammad(pbuh) was surprised. He found out that his neighbor was very sick. So he took his time taking care of his neighbor until he felt better. Now do you see? You can't even compare these two people. One was full of destruction and hatred (Hitler), and the other was full of peace and love (Mohammad).

If someone is calling someone else a communist in sarcasm, what are they REALLY saying, stereotype-wise?

While I know what a communist is in encyclopedia-terms, i guess i still don't quite understand the sarcastic slander

How can I tell if I have AD/HD?

I really think i have AD/HD. I am always so forgetful- I forget everything. I forget to do stuff, I forget to put things away, and I can never find any of my personal belongings. I can never focus and I spend hours on facebook. I always leave schoolwork until the last minute and I feel liek I'm never organized. I'm incredibly impatient. I can never choose a radio station. I can never dress in a timely manner. I always space out. and I'm always late, all the time. I can never fall asleep at night and I can never wake up in the morning. I even slept through my midterm exam!! that i set two alarms for. What should i do? Do I have AD/HD or am I just paranoid.

I have a question about my period???

ok the other day there was this brown stuff in my undies and it kinda looked liked skid marks but they wernt and i dont want to talk to my mom about it cause it will be embarasing for me and i dont want to explain why! but what is it and what should i be expecting from it? i am 11 1/2 i havnt had my first period yet i have brests and pubic hair... i need help pleaz any one out there help me...!!! :)

How much should i sell this for?

how much should I sell 49 wwe jakks pacific action figures for, Im talking to this guys on craigslist and we agreed to 60$ is that good or am getting ripped off, and I know that since mattel figs came out jakks pa went down, figs include rey cena orton undertaker edge jeff hardy kane jbl xpac triple h shawn dx and so on

I am almost sure there are spirits in my home, how do I confirm this?

I've been hearing noise for a while but I just brushed it off. Up until 20 minutes ago... I heard the knob of the front room in the house wiggling and heard 2 slams of the door as if it was opened and closed. Me my brother and my best friend quickly got up and each grabbed a knife, siccors, and a basket thinking someone broke into our home. We quickly but cautiously approached the room, the cabinet was wide opened in the room including the door. We always heard things come from the front room and I was convinced something bad is in the house but no one believed me til now. What do I do now ? I wanna know whose in my house or geez if there even is anyone in my house. No negative feedback please.

Symbolic cover ideas for "The Catcher in the Rye" by J. D. Salinger?

Something including the hunting cap, the ducks flying south for the winter, a field of wheat, a baseball glove, etc.

What size and type snowboard should I buy?

it really depends on the area youre in. if youre out west and there is lots of powder there, get a longer, wider board. if youre on more packed/groomed snow, you can go a little shorter. as a general rule of thumb, if a board is in between your upper lip and eye level, it is a good size to start with. if you plan on growing any time soon you should go a little bigger though because as you get taller, your stance will get wider and feet will get bigger and it will be a harder to carve with a board that is too small. if youre still not sure just go to a board shop or even just a sporting goods store and have them help you out. you should feel comfortable with it most of all though.

Average rate of return question?

How much does Sammy need to deposit into his investment account today if he wishes to withdraw $8,000 a year for twenty years? he expects to earn an average rate of return of 8.5 percent

Could my dad be slightly narcissistic?

Very tricky. Asperger's Syndrome is heredity, and often crosses over with narcissistic personality disorder. I would agree with you, your dad sounds narcissistic. Narcissistic personality disorder is 85% alcoholics and/or drug addicts, 15% they believe are children who were raised by alcoholics or drug addicts, or just simply put down by someone when they were small children. Someone hurt them when they were little and made them feel small, and that is why they do it to other people. They have to put others down in order to make themselves feel bigger. (Not that that is an excuse.) They think they are God like, Saints, with grand egos, I call them destroyers, they just destroy people. In their mind they are right and the world is all wrong, they don't have a problem, you do. They put others down because they are bullies, and cowards. They put others down because they have no self esteem. If they are putting you down, and pointing out your flaws, no one is noticing their flaws. In their mind they think it is their job to put others down, it is their duty. They are social, and the rest of the world is anti social, they are perfect and you are the one who is flawed. They cannot and do not take responsibility for their actions and behaviors, so they will never say they are sorry, because in their mind they have done no wrong, they have done nothing to be sorry for. They can go to therapy for years and have no change in their behavior or actions, because in their mind they are saints, and perfect, so they have nothing to change about themselves. They will always be a jerk, they will never change, they can never change, in their mind they don’t do anything to wrong, so they don’t do anything that needs changing, or anything to apologize for. I am not really sure if they even comprehend how they hurt other people. The best thing to do is to stay away from these people if possible. They cannot change and they will just bring you down. My in laws are this way, so I know how you feel. After 20 years of abuse they are now banned from my house. While they had the benefit of putting us down and hurting our feelings, they did pay a price. They are now retired and none of their children, their spouses, even their grand children, none of us want to be around them. They enjoyed abusing us all those years, and now they spend their holidays alone. They do pay a price. Hurting people, hurt people. One thing that I have learned to do is to stop playing the blame game. If my husband goes berserk on me, instead of saying "What did I just say? What did I just do to cause that?" I stop and take myself out of the situation. I realize that his outburst was not about me, but he had talked to his father that day, or his brother pooped on him and he is taking it out on me. So I stopped taking the blame and shame and guilt for his behavior. If I did something wrong, then fine it is my bust, but if it isn't about me, I stop taking on the poop that goes with the situation. You have to realize that when people are hurting, the "issue" is not the "real issue" You have to take yourself out of the picture and think "what is hurting this person today?" You learn this when you deal with customers, but it works in real life too. A customer can have a problem long before you meet them, and the slightest thing you say or do, causes an explosion. It isn't about eggs, it is about a man who's wife just died. It isn't about a parkin, it is about a woman who's 4-year-old got killed by a drunk driver. It isn't about your boyfriend, your mothers dog just died. Hurting people, hurt people. So maybe a person staying at a hotel complains about the noise in the room, but maybe the real problem is that they got a speeding ticket, someone cut them off on the highway, or maybe they are not staying in the hotel for recreation, maybe they came in for a funeral and they are stressed about that. So the 'issue" of the noisy room, is not about a noisy room, but about the stress of a funeral. So whatever the narcissistic person is blaming you for, it is probably not the issue. They find fault in every situation, there is always someone else to blame, some issue to blame. It is not about you, your sister, your friend, the store, if you were not standing in front of them, they would blame someone else. If you don’t go to school, the school bully does not turn into a saint because you are absent that day, they just bully someone else. So stop yourself when the narcissistic person starts to blame you for whatever the issue of the day is, stop and don’t claim the blame, realize they are hurting for something that has nothing to do with you. You have to stop yourself every day, every time they do this, every time there is blame. It isn’t just once, you have to stop every time they try to dump something on you, you have to stop playing the blame game until you get away from that person. Don’t fall into the trap, don’t let them draw you back into the game, don’t claim fault that isn’t yours, really isn’t yours. You have to stop and take yourself out of the situation, and stop playing the blame game, and stop taking on the hurt and pain and anger and guilt of others, it isn't fair to you.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Legal ground for slander?

There is a man who really interested in a romantic relationship with my wife. Regardless of all emails that he sent to my wife, there is a letter that he encourage my wife to take action against me for what I did not do, he also said that I have involved an affair with someone. This is totally not true and what he did does damage my family happiness. Do I have a ground to sue him for slander?

I really need your help...?

If your heart really isn't there for your boyfriend anymore then it's time to call it quits. Find someone who you can be happy with. If it boils down to it your happiness should be no1. Good luck!!

Can low water in the radiator cause he AC to stop blowing cold air?

I drive an 03 Chevy Pickup and my AC stopped blowing cold air. It still blows air but it is outside temp and I double checked to make sure the compressor is turned on and it is. This weekend my dash lit up with a message stating that the water was low so I topped it off. Now my AC is blowing cold air again but not all the time. The cold air goes on and off. It will blow cold for a few minutes and then the cold air stops and then comes back on. With summer on its way in Texas I really need that AC but cannot afford to go to the shop and get fleeced. Ever time I got to the shop for something it seems like its going to cost me about 1,000.00 dollars. My brother said the same thing. He told me he has yet to leave the shop for less than a grand.

Do you ever find it strange how conservative the USA is? And Europe isn't?

Actually it comes as no surprise. Even though our country is only 233 yeas old, we've had a stable government in place longer than most countries in the world. During that time, many European countries have undergone some radical changes, and there have been many border shifts as well. Just about every country in Europe has gone through more than one constitution, the exceptions being the United Kingdom, it has not written constitution, and San Marino, which has a constitution that is older than our own.

A difficult word question.?

It may take me a little while to get it but I'm almost positive it has the words "pedestrians" and "quick" in it- is it a well-known statement?

Is Independent Music the NEW Mainstream?

With acts like Arcade Fire becoming ubiquitous post-grammys, it leaves some to wonder whether independent music is REALLY independent. Has the music industry been exploiting the indy scene; to present a veiled variation of mainstream music the mes? Has independent music become the new mainstream?

How can i get rid of puffy ?

I had the same problem a personal trainer gave me one of those devices you stick to your stomach to get perfect abs by sending a mild shock, I wore them on my for about 4 months and they tightened up to nice manly dime sized .

Is the Torah only meant for the Israelites?

Judaism does allow converts. However, Judaism does not seek out converts to Judaism because it does not hold that one needs to be Jewish to be a righteous human being. Jews must adhere to the Torah; Non-Jews can adhere to the Noachite (noahite) laws. Noah was not Jewish and was a righteous person. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Chris benoit tribute version 3 with son!!!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Please help me with my ignment. It's due today and I'm LOST.?

uming your strand is presented in 5' to 3' direction, the complementary strand would be 5' tagcgtaattgacgcaat 3'

I want to earn monby providing CAD/CAM solutions. I work in PRO/Engineer Wildfire 2.I want online job works ,,

I want to earn monby providing CAD/CAM solutions. I work in PRO/Engineer Wildfire 2.I want online job works ,,help me.

Its a bit long but please help? appreciated?

Alas, I contend that he is indeed right BUT there are still women out there who wholly love and appreciate men like you. You just have to expend greater effort to find these women. Just be yourself, Mat- at the end of the day, we are all desirous of having someone love us for who we are NOT who we feign to be. And, quit being so hard on yourself! :)

Im 20 years old and want to know how really Joe Montana and Dan Marino were. Were they better than...?

Montana took a scrub chiefs team late in his career to the playoffs with no talent around him. That's what sets him apart from the rest. All the other great qb's never could do that or retired before they could.

Does anyone remember the Bimbo eruptions of the 90's?

No Bimbo is not a Volcano it is, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broderick, Monica Lewinski, and several others that William Jefferson Clinton violated his Marriage vows over, Adultery is a crime and for a setting President to be so corrupt as to violate his own wife and her be so Power Hungry that she would accept it, could the people of the US afford another administration of such abject corruption?

What's that internet game that lets you choose your lifestyle and in the end gives you a budget?

It's a lifestyle and budget exploration tool that lets you choose your spendings on entertainment, type of house, hygiene, electronics, dining habits, and maybe furniture. They do it in schools all the time. It's a internet application with a "fun" looking layout and it's designed really well with pictures. In the end it gives your total annual spending and tells you what kind of annual income you should have. Then it gives you a career explorer list. This is most likely taken in a Career Studies cl or such.

Could the british people vote to dissolve the monarchy?

Why would they AGAIN? I think the British people knows a little about their own history. Last time when the monarchy was gone the country was not in good shape. Plus today the monarch helps with tourism.

Was Arun Gandhi right last January to have called zionism a culture of death?

He was pilloried at the time for overstatement. But look at CNN. Does this look like he was guilty of over-statement?

Does A-Level maths for AQA include Phi?

meaning is there a part in either C2, C3, or C4 that looks at Phi i've already done C1 and that didn't have it

What would happen to society if there was a third gender?

if this gender has been around then people would most likely accept a little...if we made it up...they would want to destroy that gender...

Am I wrong to feel this way?

I am just so I dunno what I feel, but this month I really thought we were gonna get a BFP but no such luck, just another BFN, but on the same day I was let down again, my MIL calls to tell me that my 16 yr old SIL has gotten pregnant! I feel like I have been slapped in the face and it is making me crazy, I don't want to be jealous but subconciously I think I am I cant help but think why does she deserve to have a baby more than I do, she doesnt even want this and I want nothing else it just makes me so upset I dont know how to feel, Thanks to everyone for listening I guess maybe i am a bad SIL but it still hurt me. Thanks again

Real estate investing question dealing with partners/investors?

I own some investment property and have had a lot of luck with it so far and want to continue to invest but do not have enough to purchase something else by myself. I was actually looking at small apartments and quads. I was wondering how to find an investor(s) to fund the initial down payment, I manage the property (plan to do a llc so I have an interest and can legally be the property manager) and I eventually pay the investor off with interest after 3-5 years. I know about angel investors but their terms and interest rates are ridiculous. Any websites with info would be great.

Besides changing lightbulbs, what else can we do to conserve energy at home?

Use sunlight to warm up your house, by opening blinds on sunny days and closing the blinds at night. Also make sure in the winter to cover drafty windows, that way your heater doesn't need to work extra hard. You can also set your thermostat to a lower temperature when you aren't home. If I'm not home I set mine to 65 and then turn it up when I get back. You can also get Energystar appliances. These appliances are marked with the Energy Star because they save electric.

Will this laptop run some games? 10 point's :D!?

That computer will be able to run Sims 3 around 30 - 40 FPS. Games more intensive than that will start to suffer. If you are a heavy gamer, get a discrete graphics card.

Is it legal for a policeman to do this?

My grandmother and her son were pulled over for improper driving. The policeman discovered that the car was not insured either. So, they toed the car away and left my grandmother and her son in the cold. They had to walk a long way to get to the nearest store where my father picked them up. Is it legal for a policeman to leave them with nothing in cold without even giving them a ride???

Where can I watch Supernatural Season 2 Episodes 9 and 10 online?

I dont get CW where I live and have been watching it on youtube but they aren't there. Can someone direct me where to find it, or send it to me? Thanks.

HP iPAQ 111 Clic Handheld PDA Syncing?

So I just bought this new device today. This is my 1st PDA because I want to be more organized. I hooked it up with my pc (Vista) and I want to add in all the contacts, calender appointments etc. But for some reason there is no option for this, there is an option to sync up the contact info and such, but I have no idea from what? In windows vista I have a program that has a calender to set up everything but that wont cross over. What do I need to put all my contact info etc into so that it would be reconized by my pda. I really dont want to have to input everything into the pda itself.

Does anyone believe Disney should make Lady and the Tramp 3?

Lady and the Tramp 1 and 2 were awesome, so don't you think Lady and the Tramp 3 would be a good idea. Just like what they are doing for Toy Story.

How many packs of meterninty pads and pads do i need to get?

Hi. i think i have sorted the baby for when it arrives i am concentrating on what i will need now, i don't no how many maternity sanitary pads and pads i will need and i if anyone has time to do me a quick check list for me to take to hospital it would be fab! thankyou

Why doesn't boxing have a unified governing body?

Because it's run by corrupt sanctioning bodies and promoters. It's actually getting ridiculous with all these pointless belts that are now in play.

Who discovered the aztec calendar?

im doing this research paper and i cant freakin find the PERSON who discovered the aztec calendar? help!

How much "AFFILIATION" of a school neccessary ?

I am going to take admission in a non- affiliated school under CBSE curriculum since I have no other way. I just want to know will this non-affiliation be an obstacle for my future studies or higher education ? The former students of the school had given their board exams through another school. This system of the school is going for 9 years. ( Till now there has been no problems, not even a single complain about the affiliation from any student. ) So,please tell me will this non-affiliation cause any poblem in my future studies. Please kindly waste some of your time by giving your valuable answers. IT'S REALLY URGENT. THANK YOU ALL.............

What song should my band cover?

We have two guitarists who love to show off, so a song with 2 good guitar parts would be great (such as "The Trooper" by Iron Maiden, which we're covering). We also want it to be fast paced and fun, something that the crowd can get into. Any ideas?

A Name For Me & My Friends?

a group of guys at our school refers to themselves as "Da Crew". and although that may sound kinda lame, i think its cute. that way, whenever they're referring to themselves they can do it as one unit instead of listing everybody's names. me and three of my friends want a 'team name' so to speak. any ideas?? (p.s we were also considerin somethin that we could each have a diff nickname. like if we were "Candy" one person would be Gumdrop, Snickers, Skittles, etc)

Where is the best place to stay in bangkok for shopping, restaurants, nightlife etc?

check this website.... got every hotels information in Bangkok.. one of them must right to your request...

Help with my 3 1/2 yr old daughter?

my daughter has a friend whose a boy that's her age they we're playing and all of a sudden he pulled his underwear off and she saw his ""and she said ewww and she pulled her underwear off and she said mommy how come i don't have one of those?she even touched the little boys ""i know their young i don't know what to do about it?any suggestions?

I need relationship help?

This is how I guess they all start off. "I feel like my fiance doesn't love me anymore." He just peckks me on the cheek and lips, doesn't hold me close to him anymore unless my hair has just been washed,(sounds silly but true) , and rarely exists anymore. And can u believe that he forgot valentines day, two of my birthdays and christmas? For them, I got him something and made it special. For me? Nothing! I always feel like I give and get nothing in return anymore. He says he listening but acts like he doesn't. I'm on the brink of calling it off but don't know what to do! Is it me or him? Or am I just being greedy??

Merrill Lynch stock troubles?

For those who own stock in Merrill Lynch or other companies like it, should we sell or keep holding on till this current stock cycle gets over with?

Best point guard in the league?

I like Deron Williams and Russell Westbrook as answers to this, but it's gotta be Chris Paul. Williams may be a better shooter, but Paul is arguably the most efficient player in the game.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Am I on the right track for college?

Cles look good, Just keep up the good grades of course! Yes the previous comment is correct though you should try to be more involved in your community. I was more involved in different community groups depending on the seasons. For example you might volunteer for soccer in the fall and play tennis in the spring just as an example. This way you have many different activities to list but dont become overwhelmed.

McNabb and Turner (or Parker) for F. Gore?

Seems pretty fair, I think you are giving up a bit too much, but Gore is a stud. I think I would give up Parker over Turner though.

Why does no one believe?

ik ik, it sounds so fairytailistic, but love at first sight i believe is possible. why is everyone so down on teenagers. i truly do realize tht hormones play a HUGE part in our world at this age(im almost 16) but i also think tht we are sometimes viewed as walking crazed hormones on legs. we do no wut love is. i am not a statistic, i do good in school, no drugs or drinking, ive never had , ive only kissed one boy in my entire life, i am overall a good kid. i just think tht people have 2 view us as people not idiots who have no view on the real world. i have faced many adversities in my life but tht is wut has made me who i am. i do still plan on growing as a person, but i think tht teenagers should b given more credit wen it comes 2 love

Do you think that a resorce based economy will awaken humanity spiritually and allow us to become more?

and we'll all eat moonbeams and poop rainbows and it will rain gumdrops and lollipops and puppies and kitties will sing songs to us.

Isn't Martha's Vineyard the perfect place for obama to vacation?

Perfect, isn't it the place where Ted Kennedy partied, drove drunk over a bridge and left a girl drowning?

How to connect two (2) ADSL Routers?

Normally, it would be possible to connect the adsl line to router 1, loop a connection to router 2 and distribute it from router 2. My current set up is exactly like that. I have a dsl router (no wireless), I have looped a connection to another router (with wireless capabilities). So everyone connects to the wireless internet connection through router 2. Since you mentioned that on your router 2 the adsl is not working chances are that it will not pick up the line from router 1. If the wireless is working on router2 you may be able to connect to router 2 via wireless but there will be no internet as it is being relayed but not being picked up by your router 2 because of the hardware defect.

Is there anything wrong with having only one child?

Hi, im 24 almost 25 and my husband and I have a son who is turning 3 in march 2010. I am starting my nursing study this year and have decided to give up on trying for a second baby. I found it extremely hard having my son, not because i didnt love him but all the obsticles that go with pregnancy and generally having a newborn. he was very hard work, i was 62 kg when i got pregnant and ended with a 9p3 very long baby boy who had to be cut out due to being breach so my body took a hell time witch i am still struggling with as i never had a body problem b4. Im just not sure im strong enough to cope with the depression agin and the no sleep and the 9 weeks of painfull feeding. I feel so guilty that i may be depriving my son of a sibling but at the same time my mum has twins of 6 and the youngest boy is 4 so they are all very close, but is this enough for my son? i really want to do nursing and i do regret that i may miss out on actually enjoying a pregnancy as i found the first so hard but i havent been 100% possitive that i want another just because its soooo much work! i have one of those stubborn little men who didnt sleep and still have broken sleep and who HAS to do EVERYTHING himself lol so its only really been the last year that i have really started to enjoy him. Its nice to see other mums on here talking about just having one cause im terrified he will be left alone but we can never really know that that will happen. Is there a way to come to terms with this? i just dont think im fit to be the MOTHERLY type, i love my son very much and wouldnt change having him but the stress has bought out th worst in me and i feel if i do have another one i may lose it. Also im married to a chef and we took over a restaurant in april 09 so life is pretty busy. Have been trying for number 2 for longer then a year.